Where have I appeared beyond my own channels?
Below, I’ll just note spaces where I’ve been fortunate enough to be asked to share my voice on platforms that are run my others. This can be everything from online to print, video to podcasting.
Selected Radio & Podcast Appearances
In Print

Selected Interviews & Being Featured
“Travelling as a job: This Toronto blogger makes money by seeing the world” in The Globe & Mail
“Here are 8 ways travel will change the pandemic” in National Geographic Traveller
“Travel Blogger Christopher Mitchell Loves That Toronto Is Buzzing Again” on Thrillist
“What I Miss Most About Travel: Canadian Blogger Christopher Mitchell Years for the Unknown” in Canadian Travel News
“10 Mega-Influencers That Are Sure to Inspire You” in Tourism Talk
“The Ethics of Travel Writing” in East West News Service
“The biggest mistakes you’re making on social media, plus three must-try apps” in Travelweek
“From Canada to the World: A Chat with Travel Writer Christopher Mitchell” on The Travel Pad
“Catching up with Christopher Mitchell” in Travel Writing 2.0
Chatting about my career on the “Faster than Normal” Podcast with Peter Shankman
Photography Exhibitions
An exhibition showcasing my photography from across 9 countries at The Mad Bean in Toronto, Canada.
Showcasing my Istanbul photography at Atölye in the Bomonti neighbourhood of Istanbul.
On Camera
Here’s also a video of a panel I’m on called “Blog the World! - The Travel Bloggers Panel.”
And here’s a Facebook Live where I’m teamed up with TourRadar to talk about travel bucket lists and touring the world.