Speaking About My “Spirit of Canada” Award Nomination on the CBC St. John’s Morning Show
Bri and I had the immense pleasure of being Writers-in-Residence with Newfoundland & Labrador Tourism in August of 2023. Recently, I got news that I’ll be up for the TMAC (Travel Media Association of Canada) award in the “Spirit of Canada” category, and I spoke to CBC St. John’s Morning Show about the nomination.

Talking Mental Health, Motivation, and Mindset on the Half-Full Podcast
My appearance on the Half-Full Podcast, in association with the Believe Initiative, talking about mental health and mindset.

Talking Canadian Festivals on RMWorldTravel, America’s #1 Travel Radio Show
A quick hitting radio feature on Canadian festivals that travellers should have on their radar!

“Everything to Love About Toronto” on Thrillist’s Love This City Podcast
Appearing on the premiere episode of Thrillist’s brand new podcast, Love This City, to talk about what makes this city special, and how people can make the most of their visit here.

The Rick Steves Over Brunch Podcast Crosses 100 Thousand Downloads!
Proud to announce that the Rick Steves Over Brunch podcast has officially gotten more than one hundred thousands downloads!

Bri and Chris Talk “The Best of Andalucía” On Rick Steves Over Brunch
Bri and Chris talk about the Rick Steves' hour long special, "Andalucía: The Best of Southern Spain" and draw on their travel experience there.

31 Things I’ve Learned in 31 Years
Quite simply, this is what I think I know thus far. Here are my 31 truths that I've come to understand in my 31 years.

An Interview with CBC’s Fresh Air on “I’m Anxious About”
I’m Anxious About was featured on a segment of CBC’s popular weekend radio show, Fresh Air.

Talking Entrepreneurship and ADHD on the “Overcoming Distractions” Podcast
In the episode, I talk about what it's like to be an entrepreneur with ADHD, and what I've learned in my journey that could help others on theirs.

“I’m Anxious About” Podcast Featured in Forbes!
“I’m Anxious About,” a humorous podcast about anxiety that I co-created, was featured in Forbes Magazine!