Speaking About My “Spirit of Canada” Award Nomination on the CBC St. John’s Morning Show

Bri and I had the immense pleasure of being Writers-in-Residence with Newfoundland & Labrador Tourism in August of 2023. Recently, I got news that I’ll be up for the TMAC (Travel Media Association of Canada) award in the “Spirit of Canada” category, and I spoke to CBC St. John’s Morning Show about the nomination.

Bri and I in Battle Harbour, Newfoundland & Labrador

Many long time readers of travelingmitch will know of our love affair with the province of Newfoundland & Labrador. In fact, we did so much exploring over that month period, that we’re still creating content from that trip. In many respects, it was a dream come true. Perhaps the most important aspect of my time there was that, in many ways, this province has started to feel like a second home for us.

Funny enough, I actually just landed once again in St. John’s, and even hearing the accents and slang on the plane warmed my heart to the core. I’ve travelled all around this world of ours, and I can say with certainty that this province is on my Mount Rushmore.

A little while back, I heard news that my popular article about our month here, “What I Learned Spending One Memorable Month in Newfoundland & Labrador” was officially one of the finalists for the “Spirit of Canada” award. I’ll find out in a couple of days now how I fare, but quite honestly, I’m just honoured to be up for the award in the first place.

If you haven’t read the article I linked just above, I’m biased, but I do feel as if it’s one of the best things I’ve written as of late, and I think that’s largely because it’s straight from the heart.

When CBC St. John’s got word that I was up for the award, they were kind enough to invite me on their morning show, and I’m honoured to share that interview with you.


Talking Mental Health, Motivation, and Mindset on the Half-Full Podcast