The Rick Steves Over Brunch Podcast Crosses 100 Thousand Downloads!


Sometimes we start projects without any specific goal or end point in mind.

You start something simply because you want to know where it goes enough that you’re willing to step into the void of uncertainty.

That was very much the case with the Rick Steves Over Brunch Podcast, which I started along with Stephanie Craig a little over three years ago. We knew we were both fans of Rick’s show, and we know that we got along well and had an idea, but that was about the extent of it. I’m quite sure neither of us expected us to take off in the way that it has.

Since inception, it’s wild to consider that we’ve had Rick on the show for three episodes (to review Rome: Back Street Riches, for a more broad interview, as well as talking about the importance of travel after a tough last year and a half).

We started a Facebook group, Rick Steves Over Brunch Podcast Listeners, which quickly become an incredibly engaging and supportive community. We’re blessed to see our community continue to grow, and head towards thousands of members, many of whom I feel as if I know personally!

Once we had our footing, we then started a Patreon community to help ensure that Steph and I could continue to put aside the time that was necessary for working on RSOB. Once again, we were floored by the response of our community, and we typically have northward of 25 people who are actively supporting us each and every month. Honestly, what an honour!

And now, we can finally say that we’re a podcast that has not only made it a number of years (something few podcasts do), but that we’ve crossed the threshold of 100,000 downloads.

This little post on my portfolio site is a thank you to everyone who has been along for the ride. It’s also a celebration of all the hard work that we’ve put into it, and to what may be in the future.


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